We are Google Business Profile (GBP) experts. We just help rank an agent in Los Angeles in Google Business Profile Map #1 for the keyword
"Los Angeles Luxury Realtor" WITHOUT USING AI and the agent has ZERO REVIEWS.
Why is this important?
There are 20,000 real estate agents in Los Angeles and 10,800,000 search results for the keyword.
Someone looking for your business services don't go past page one.
So if you're in the 5th page, middle or last in the search results, your business does not exist in the eyes of the client looking for the services you provide, that they need right away.
Remember this Golden Rule:
If Google says your #1 than you are #1
See the review the agent gave us at our twitter feed, we re-twitted his twit- our twitter handle is @izzynet
Which keyword do you want to rank for?
The real estate agent field is an over saturated industry. There are 200,000 license agents in California this year 2024 and it seems 45,000 are in Los Angeles alone.
Your competition is fierce and they want it more than you do.
How are you going to stand out?
Not only are you competing against the best in the best in your field, your also competing against their digital marketing team. If your doing everything your self, how much time will you have to do your digital marketing? Thanks to your busy schedule and family obligations, will you ever get around to it? Are your marketing efforts in the right places?
Having the keyword in the business name helps but is not enough. Every agent and service providers have the same keywords in their Google Business Profile name and are aggressively competing for the same keywords you want and some of them have a ton of reviews and yet they are not #1 like our LA agent client.
How many agents and service providers you think are in your city? Every body and their mama and you know it and we are not even kidding.
If you continue spending zero dollars, posting in Instagram and Facebook for free, guess what? - your competition is doing the same with zero results, just like you.
In order for you to make it as a real estate agent or service provider, you have to spend a minimum of $1200 per month in your marketing, not in coaching, IN MARKETING. Top agents are spending 10 to 30 grand per month. You don't stand a chance if you don't spend a dime. Stop spending money in your real estate coach and spend it in your marketing instead.
This is what I did for our LA client:
1st search (1/25/24) no show
2nd search (2/14/24) search #78
3rd search (2/29/24) search #63
4th search (3/6/24) search #1
Unlike other marketing agencies that wants to help every real estate agent, attorney and every service provider out there, we can only help one agent / service provider per county or every 30 mile radius.
This way the distance is far enough that is not a competition among our own clients and you will dominate that service area.
We know you're already trying and failing at it.
Looking forward to being in your marketing team.
(424) 237-8484